In Visual Studio 2008 or Visual Studio 2010, you’ve started developing your Data project and let’s say you’re designing your DataSets through Visual Studio’s nice DataSet Designer just by drag/dropping your entities (tables, views) into the designer , from “Server Explorer” that you connected to your SQL Server . If your entity is a “Table” […]

Read More → Why do you see grayed out GenerateDBDirectMethods checkbox in “TableAdapter Configuration Wizard”

One of our customers was saying that their SSIS Project with some complex “Data Flow Task”s with lots of Lookup Transformations was opening very slowly in BIDS (“Business Intelligence Development Studio”) or I don’t know if I should say “Visual Studio” … The very first thing that I check was “validation” part. As you know, […]

Read More → Why my BIDS is slow in design mode ?

Let’s say you have got a SQL Server 2005/2008 cluster with two nodes. Here’s the configuration in detail : Cluster name : MYCLUSTER Cluster IP : Node 1 (active node) hostname : NODE1 Node 1 IP : Node 2 (passive node) hostname : NODE2 Node 2 IP : The SQL Server Instance […]

Read More → How you should set your firewall rules to be able to connect to a SQL Server 2005/2008 clustered instance