Tag: ASP.Net
Important: ASP.NET Security Vulnerability
On 17th of September 2010, we released a Microsoft Security Advisory about a security vulnerability in ASP.NET. This vulnerability exists in all versions of ASP.NET. This vulnerability was publically disclosed late Friday at a security conference. We recommend that all customers immediately apply a workaround (described in the Scott Guthrie’s blog post in http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2010/09/18/important-asp-net-security-vulnerability.aspx or in the […]
Read More → Important: ASP.NET Security VulnerabilityWhere’s my good old friend DataSet visualizer ?
The Visual Studio is the primal IDE for developping .NET applications. Especially its debugging features makes it more powerful. One of those feature is the “Visualizer”s. Visualizers are UI components to show the content of some complex objects when debugging. The best example is the built-in “DataSet Visualizer”. Let’s assume you put a breakpoint […]
Read More → Where’s my good old friend DataSet visualizer ?The points that you should think again and again using JET Database Engine in a multi-threaded application (like a classic ASP or ASP.Net web application)
Microsoft JET (Joint Engine Techonology) Database Engine is an implementation of JET Red and it should not be mixed with the JET Blue ESE (Extensible Storage Engine) which is the core of Microsoft Exchange and Active Directory. We had released the first versions of the JET OLE DB Provider and JET ODBC Drivers in […]
Read More → The points that you should think again and again using JET Database Engine in a multi-threaded application (like a classic ASP or ASP.Net web application)“Please take a shower before entering the connection pool” !
Sometimes pools that we should pay attention to their “hygiene” are not only swimming pools. We should also be careful about our database “connection pool”s. Here comes the story behind this “philosophical” entrance … One of our customers was reporting an issue when they were about to put their web server farm on production. Strangely […]
Read More → “Please take a shower before entering the connection pool” !